Saturday, August 29, 2009

Onesies and Sleepers and Diapers OH MY!

We try to reuse whatever we can wherever we can, so Ted and I have been going through Talan's old things to see what gender neutral items we can reuse for little miss Aniela. Unfortunately it has wreaked havoc on what was once a very beautiful nursery. We have sleepers and onesies and socks and tons of other items everywhere! We will eventually get it all squared away soon though hopefully.

Thus far, we definitely know that she will be fine in the cloth diaper department as we have plenty of those in all sizes (yes, we're a "cloth booty" household). I will get her some new ones too as well as a few new inserts. We have a pretty good amount of onesies and sleepers that will pass on to her as well. Once we pull out everything we think that we can use for her, we will be storing the rest of it again for "future reference."

Naturally we're going to be getting her some really cute, girlie items, but as I said, why spend unnecessarily? We're not going to dress her like a little boy of course. It's just mainly sleepwear and the cloth diapers and socks that we're reusing. She will be getting her own wardrobe in due time. Knowing that I'm having a girl though, I do totally want to splurge. I already have her tons of cute hair bows. I told a friend of mine yesterday that I hope she has at least a smidgen of hair, as she already has bows galore. I have gotten her a few outfits but not many, as I now know with my experience with Talan, how fast babies really grow. I splurged on him since he was our first, and we ended up with an enormous amount of clothing after my baby shower that we decided to give away and donate a lot of because it was just too much. I'm going to try to do better with Aniela, but it is hard, as it seems like there is an abundance of cute girl clothing everywhere! It just hits you in the face wherever you go! So bright and cheery and cute ... I get excited just thinking about it!

1 comment:

  1. Having a girl and a boy, I have to warn you - girls clothes are a thousand times cuter than boys and that much more difficult not to buy! Really, I get so frustrated looking for cute stuff for my son, but everywhere I turn there's something adorable for my daughter.

    Have fun shopping for her and if you can find some kids consignment stores in your area, clothing for babies is outgrown so quickly it is like new for half the price or less.
